
I don’t know if Polish Majorca parties are a regular theme or just something that #184‘s friends were into at the time, but I’ve never been to any non-Polish Majorca parties. Anyway, my second Polish Majorca party involved some low-level foreshadowing (“I am not going to get off with anyone here. Oh wait, I just did”). I showed up with a couple of couchsurfers, and we sat in the corner amongst lots of balloons. About six people in a row made weak jokes about my name and I focused on drinking cheap wine.

Two points about people making weak jokes about my name: 1) This happens all the time; 2) everybody always seems to think they’re the first to comment on it. It’s amazing. The worst, though, is when I am in the process of shaking hands with someone and he starts asking me all about it and I just want my goddamn hand back.

So eventually this boy came and talked to me about the year he lived in Belfast and how it was kind of weird, and then he kissed me but he was trying to be discreet because of, I don’t know, an ex-girlfriend at the party or something like that, so we left the flat and went upstairs and got off in the reasonably filthy stairwell and it was kind of hot.

I don’t remember too many details about him, but then I guess we didn’t spend that much time on conversation. Occasionally he’d say “Belfast girl” and I don’t know whether he just liked the ring of it or if he’d forgotten my name already. He wanted my number and all, but he was like “I’m leaving the country in six days to travel for two months so we have to see each other before then” and I thought, but do we? And we didn’t.

But he kissed me a couple more times, later that year – once at Balkanarama, only #184 was sitting with us and complained loudly until he stopped, thereby killing any prospects of further action for me that night. Thanks, #184! And once at my birthday party, at which #199 was in his customary mode of “I can’t kiss you because someone awkward is around” and then did it anyway.

There was one other time, though, when a bunch of us were at a bar and #199 seemed to be with a girlfriend or similar, and she left early, and I avoided the potential for anything to happen between us because it was like I’d suddenly found myself some moral standards. I guess we all have phases we go through.

~ by Nine on 7 February 2010.

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